About AKF

AaronKfoundation is dedicated to:
Creating projects that will support, educate, advocate, fight stigma, and empower already established local non-profit organizations in Eritrea that serve children with a variety of neurological and developmental needs and their families.
We are dedicated to creating and providing network infrastructure for organizations that service special needs children in Africa and in the world, and to bring education and seminars on different topics that concern special needs children to Eritrea.
Raise funds annually and invest them in special needs children in Eritrea in a way that will improve their lifestyle so that they can be part of their community. We strive to provide children and families with hope by providing them with different goods to maximize their full developmental potential.
Assist African Immigrant parents of special needs, who struggle with cultural and language barriers, in the USA to find resources that are available around them in order to ensure a life without limits.
Our History
Hello and thank you for visiting our website. Welcome to the Aaron K Foundation (AKF), established in 2015 by Senait M. Piccigallo with a profound mission to provide her son Aaron with the best resources and treatments necessary to overcome his challenge with cerebral palsy. Aaron's diagnosis at just 2 months of age marked the beginning of Senait's lifelong commitment to help him reach his full potential and instill hope in their lives (you can read their inspiring story here, link from Mercury newspaper).
Against doctors' predictions that he wouldn't live past the age of 5, Aaron lived a happy and joyful life with his family, thanks to the unwavering commitment of his mom, family, and community, until he was 19 years old. He graduated from his school and inspired many people including this nonprofit. This incredible journey inspired Senait to establish this nonprofit organization, aiming to support other parents in finding resources and treatment options in their area to create a happy and comfortable life for their special needs children.
Today, the Aaron K Foundation has connected more than 100 clients to available resources, conducted over 5 community education programs for various community centers in the Bay Area, and provided adaptive essential equipment to more than 50 families in Eritrea who wouldn't have access otherwise. Additionally, we've assisted a local hospital in Eritrea in acquiring vital equipment to support their clients with physical therapy.